Wednesday, November 6th, 2024
No, I haven’t been taking well the news of Donald Trump apparently winning the presidency. This is likely to lead to many, many problems. Contingency plans are now happening.
Let’s talk about the cyberpunk-style things I’m going to have to be doing now. There’s so much work to be done to get ready. After all, there’s risk that we’re going to see Trump invoking 47 USC 706 to start shutting down communications. That statute can only be invoked during a state of war. Technically the country has been at war for 70 years as the Korean conflict has never ended. He has means of invoking that provision legitimately.
Things to consider as options in light of all the craziness potentially looming include but are not limited to:
Get a FreedomBox set up
Rig up something akin to a PirateBox in a strategic location
Set up a “captive portal” wireless access point
Start building scripting around NNCP
That’s a limited initial list. There’s likely plenty more to be done yet.