In no particularly planned order:

  • I added some follows to the Mastodon account from the ham radio perspective. This could be a good thing. With the local club scene being fractured and my commute two days per week to Erie I haven’t been able to participate in such things.
  • Church was relatively good. I will be preaching not next Sunday but the Sunday after.
  • After a third visit to MicroCenter in Mayfield we got everything together to be able to get any sort of computer running for Mom. This is way too much time to be spending on the road. There is a price to be paid for living out in a remote area like Ashtabula County, I suppose.
  • I am not liking the direction Mr. Trump is going. Spending quality time with quite disreputable individuals such as Mr. Fuentes is a good way to lead reasonable people to think nefarious acts are in the offing.
  • Three more weeks of the work tasking remain.
    • Everything wraps up on December 14th.
    • I am unable to make plans as to the spring at this time. Nobody knows anything at this point so there is nothing for me to use to make plans yet.
  • It is interesting that I can so easily be engrossed in reading financial statements at such a late hour. Considering whose financial statements I was reading there is some small amount of personal impact in the matter.
  • I may yet succeed in setting up streaming on a consistent basis. That’s possibly going to start after the work tasking wraps on December 14th.
    • I do need to ensure I can get good “weather fax” reception set up beforehand.
    • Ensuring “green screen” operations are doable is another predicate step to be handled.
  • Dating apps are hard. Coffee Meets Bagel is difficult at times. Due to the geographical anomalies inherent in the location of Ashtabula, setting a fifty mile radius for searching picks up people in southwest Ontario across the lake. Expanding the radius only drags in more of southwest Ontario all the way out to Toronto. Restricting it below fifty miles keeps searches within Ashtabula County but Coffee Meets Bagel is not very popular around here. This requires some further consideration as to next steps.