In no particular order:

  • Production for the vodcast project has hit a hopefully temporary snag. Further efforts are required to get it back on track.
    • It is not planned presently to have me in front of the camera.
    • Somebody has to operate all the gear for video production and I’m the only one with enough expertise.
    • I worked on a cablecast PEG channel back in the very late 20th century as a college freshman. I feel old at times.
  • The roller coaster weather is not helping my daily health. None of us at home feel all that well with weather conditions oscillating day to day.
  • The wait for the test results for Mom and Dad continues. I’ll be very curious as to what comes back. Depending upon the results they get my diagnostics appointment in early February might have an effectively pre-determined outcome. Of course, there is a chance that there is weirdness in play and their results will mean I’ll have things to worry about still.
  • People are getting angrier and angrier on the roads locally. I’m getting scared of driving as frankly too many people are ignoring traffic laws and are instead following “might makes right” as they drive.
    • No, I can’t up and leave just yet. Too much testing is still in play yet.
    • Depending upon how testing goes I would have to think long and hard about moving away from nationally-ranked top hospitals in Cleveland.
    • That Cleveland Clinic is a research leader globally in what all the testing is about is a good thing even though it may lead to my being tied down hard to this area.
  • Two desktop computers that have been limping along here at home are likely to be stripped of suitable parts to build a nice tower. Would such a thing need multiple optical drives? When working with video like this the answer is yes. There is also an IDE/SATA 2.5” multi-type memory card reader in one of the machines that could be transplanted to a tower. The SSDs in both boxes could be wiped and reused, I think. The IEEE1394 port card could be shifted over even. I just need a tower case, power supply, motherboard with processor, suitable video card…