In no particular order:

  • We had enough rain to bring the Ashtabula River up to a flood level. Where do I normally take Petey to walk? Park spaces in the river gulf! Petey has been unhappy walking around the neighborhood so the picky chihuahua didn’t go anywhere Wednesday.
  • Starting the video podcast hit a new roadblock that was unexpected. Getting past the roadblock remains a work in progress.
  • It looks like I will be digging into launching a crowdfunding effort this spring. The Ohio Minimum Wage is $10.10 per hour and depending upon where you put “podcaster” in the classification schema the prevailing hourly wage locally starts around $12.63, $16.26, or $21.60. Payroll costs are inevitable as this podcasting effort would not be possible as a solo project.
  • This year is already going in unexpected directions. I’m not quite sure where things are headed.